July 2023
employment success
Jimmy started services with Compass in 2022 under the GOSH program (Governor’s Opportunity for Supportive Housing). He was living at an Adult Family Home in Tacoma, WA and wanted help finding independent housing in Cowlitz County.
As Compass started working with Jimmy to find housing, we talked about what he wanted, what he hoped for his future and what having his own place would mean to him. Jimmy stated he wants to someday own his own home. Compass began looking for housing in the Longview/Kelso area.
Jimmy moved into his new home on May 23, 2023.
When we let Jimmy know we were writing a success story about him his response was, “Tell people I really like to cook and now I am able to cook for myself. My favorite to make is steaks, fish, hamburgers and corndogs. I have a well-stocked freezer with food that I like and am happy to make." Jimmy loves his new found freedom!